Hi, I collect fanta caps from around the world for a few years now.

My Catalogue that  i am making is far from complete and still a lot work has to be done on it, but it is a nice start for now. Now  people can see wat i have and don’t have, so i can exchange fanta caps in the future with other people hopefully.

If you want a bigger picture of a certain page for checking the details of a certain fanta cap, just let me know. 

I can send a 300dpi file of that page to you.

If  beneath the cap is a yellow box, than i have that cap in my collection. If you see a cap in my catalogue that has no yellow box under it, then i know it exists, but don’t have it yet… 

If there are people that can send in scans of their fanta caps that are not in my catalogue yet, that wil be great also.

Fanta cap scans are prefered in 300 dpi and white background. Or just take a foto of them on a white A4 paper for example. 

Scans or pictures can be send to : manuel.put@skynet.be